Are Skin Lotions Safe For My Baby?

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There are few things that are softer than your baby’s skin. There are also few things that are more delicate than your baby’s skin. The fact of the matter is that a baby’s skin is very often much more likely to become dry or chapped as a result of any number of causes, from diaper rash to allergic reactions to just plain dryness. For this reason, many parents look to a variety of lotions to help their baby with skin troubles. Yet, there is some controversy about skin lotions and their use on babies. Because of this concern, many parents have turned to more natural skin lotions for their babies, as opposed to those that are manufactured using artificial ingredients.

Propylene glycol is one of the ingredients that is commonly found in skin lotions. Propylene glycol has caused a variety of problems in research studies. It is thought that this chemical can cause any number of skin problems. Yet, many products that are designed for use on skin do contain this ingredient, although this is becoming less and less the case as more and more data about propylene glycol becomes available, and as each new study shows another possible problem with the chemical.

Instead of using skin lotions that may not be safe for your baby, you should at least consider some of the natural alternatives. There are lotions, for example, that are made from organic ingredients or herbal ingredients. Many of these herbs are actually much better for your baby’s skin, in that they tend to have properties that will help keep your baby’s skin healthy. There are also baby oils that are all natural. Using natural baby oils and lotions are a viable alternative to using skin lotions that may have undesirable chemicals in them.

Be certain to check the labels of the skin lotions you are using for your baby. If there are ingredients you are not familiar with or that you know are harmful, you should obviously avoid using the product.

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