How Can I Help Prepare My Body For Labor?

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There are indeed several things that you can do to help prepare your body for labor. Like any other activity that is physically demanding, you should take the time to prepare both mentally and physically for the challenge. In this regard, preparing your body for labor is truly not that much different than preparing to run a marathon, or hike through the mountains. While the fact of the matter is that you don’t have to do anything specific to help prepare your body for labor, there are things that you can do to prepare your body for labor that should make labor somewhat easier for you.

The first thing that you can do to help prepare your body for labor is, somewhat paradoxically, to learn all that you can. By preparing mentally for labor, by knowing what to expect, by understanding the phases of labor, and by learning relaxation techniques and breathing techniques, you will be much more ready for that day when it does arrive. Practicing relaxation and breathing techniques will help prepare your body for labor in that, when it is time to use them, you will be able to do so in a comfortable manner and with very little thought about how exactly to do it.

Another way to prepare your body for labor is perineal massage. By practicing perineal massage, you can help to condition the perineum. By condition the perineum, you will reduce the chances that your perineum will tear during labor, or that you will need to have an episiotomy. You can use a standard lubricant for perineal massage, or there are massage oils that are especially designed for perineal massage. While practicing perineal massage does not guarantee that you won’t have tearing or need an episiotomy, it does increase the possibility that you won’t have to experience these things because your body is more prepared for labor.

Finally, a general exercise regiment that focuses on endurance and muscle tone can also help to prepare your body for labor. Increasing your stamina is particularly helpful for labor in that it can help you to push long after you don’t feel like pushing any more. Of course, make certain that your exercises are safe and that you’re not overdoing it.

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