Relaxing While On Bed Rest

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Bed rest can be a difficult time for a woman, especially during pregnancy. It is easy for a woman to become overwhelmed at the things that she is unable to do because she is on bed rest, for example. For the woman who already has other children, this can be especially true. She may worry that the children’s needs are not being met, or at least not being met as well as she is able to meet them. In addition, many women who are on bed rest will worry about the specific health problems that have led them to be on bed rest. They may worry about the safety of their baby, as well as the prospect of their own well being during the process of labor and delivery. Fortunately, there are things that a woman can do to go about relaxing while on bed rest.

One of the most important things to do to relax while you are on bed rest is, simply, to ask for help. Ask your friends and family to help take care of those things that you are physically unable to do, and then trust them to do those things that they agree to do. Chances are pretty good that your spouse, your parents, or someone else you know is fully capable of taking the children to their scout meetings, or cooking dinner, or paying the bills. While you may feel anxious because they might not do these things the same way that you would or as well as you would, you should relax that those things are being done.

There are other things you can do to relax while on bed rest. You can practice guided relaxation techniques, for example. You can listen to some soothing music. You can drink some relaxing herbal tea. There are even CDs that are specifically designed for the expectant mother who is on bed rest that you can use. In addition to these relaxation techniques, sometimes simply getting into a regular routine can help you relax by giving you a feeling that you have control over your life and your condition. Even things like spending time on the telephone with a long lost aunt can help you to relax while you are on bed rest.

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